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Karas So LLP's fundraising efforts for the Hong Kong Legal Walk

Posted On 27 November 2023

On 10 November, Karas So LLP in Association with Mishcon de Reya participated in the annual Hong Kong Legal Walk for the second time. This year, we were once again joined by our long-standing client Kroll, and more than 60 staff.

During the walk from Tin Hau to Admiralty, participants incorporated some challenges along the way, playing Chinese hacky sack (jianzi) and using jump ropes.

It was a pleasure and a privilege to be able to raise funds for some meaningful charities, including Justice Without Borders, which creates transnational lifelines to legal aid for victims of labour exploitation and human trafficking; community impact initiative Equal Justice which provides free legal education and support for disadvantaged people; charity Mind HK, that aims to improve awareness of mental health and remove the associated stigma; and Eye Fund that provides vital vision-saving treatments to underprivileged individuals.

Currently in pole position on the leaderboard, our collective fundraising efforts have resulted in more than HK$70,000 being raised for these worthwhile causes.

Read more about the Hong Kong Legal Walk here: https://legalwalkhk.ic.hk/#howitworks